Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Safety – Part 1 – Bike Accident Safety

Bike riding is a fun and fairly safe way to: commute to work, get some great exercise, or just spend time outdoors. Biking can be dangerous and we urge you to use caution and please be safe this summer.

Below is a list of some basic things you can do to keep yourself safer this season.

Wear your bicycle helmet.

In the United States, there are over 300,000 children who visit the emergency room each year as a result of being involved in bicycle accidents . Many of these children suffer brain injuries . The basic habit of wearing a helmet with the straps securely locked, could have prevented many of these injuries.

Keep yourself well lit.

If you enjoy cycling at night, keep yourself well-lit. Make sure you have reflectors facing in all directions and try to wear reflective safety-gear. Also, for less than $15 dollars, you can purchase red blinking lights for the front and back of your bike. These lights will alert motorists to your presence long before they have the chance to cause you any harm.

Avoid texting while biking and other distractions.

Texting while biking is just as dangerous as texting while driving , perhaps even more so. Teenagers attempt to text with one hand, while trying to steer with the other. This is a recipe for disaster.

Listening to music and talking on your cell phone is also very dangerous. If you’re not listening to the vehicles around you, it will be difficult to react when something unexpected happens.

Just pay attention.

The best overall advice is to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Regardless of how much safety equipment you are wearing, if you don’t pay attention, you increase your risk of being injured, or causing someone else to be injured.

So to protect you and your children while riding a bike pay attention, use reflectors and lights and wear a helmet!

This post is part 1 of 5, presented by Cellino and Barnes. Our firm is committed to keeping our community safe this summer.

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